In case you don’t know, the German Sheperd is one of the most popular breeds in the United States. After all, these lovely dogs can be extremely kind and loyal to their owners.
So, you must know how to retribute this loyalty to them and one of the best ways is to choose the best name for him. So, we decided to give you a hand and we selected the best German Shepherd boy names that we know he will love. However, we know how much you love your dog. So, along with the German Shepherd boy names suggestions, we are also going to show you their respective meanings.

Check out the best name suggestions for your pets.
So, without any further delay, here are the best German Shepherd boy names.
Let’s start with the German Shepherd boy names that begin with a vowel as well as their respective meanings.
#1: Letter A:
Adler – means eagle
Adolph – means noble wolf
Albern – means white
Albert – means noble and bright
Albrecht – means noble and bright
Alger – means clever warrior
Aldo – means wise and old
Aldous – means wise and old
Alfred – this one is for Lord of the Rings fans
Alphonse – means noble or ready for battle
Alvin – means noble friend
Arnold – means ruler or strong as an eagle
August – means great or magnificent
Axel – means father of peace
#2: Letter E:
Einstein – as a reference to Albert Einstein, the German-born philosopher and physicist
Ellard – means brave and noble
Emerich – means home ruler
Emmet – means universal or truth
Ernie/Ernest/Ernst – means serious or resolute
#3: Letter I:

Ido – means work
Ivo – means cut wood or yew
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#4: Letter O:
Otter – as a reference to the small German city
Otto – means wealthy
Ozzy – means divine spear
#5: Letter U:
Ugo – means spirit, heart or mind
Let’s now check the German Shepherd boy names that begin with a consonant as well as their respective meanings.
#1: Letter B:
Bach – as a reference to J.S. Bach, the famous German composer
Baldwin – means brave friend
Barette – means bear-brave
Baron – means low ranking British nobleman
Beethoven – as a reference to Ludwig van Beethoven, the famous German composer
Benz – as a reference to the Mercedes-Benz
Berg – means mountain
Berlin – as a reference to the capital of Germany
Bernard – means strong or brave as a bear
Bismarck – as a reference to the German statesman
Blitz – means violent military attack
Bonn – as a reference to the German city
Boris – means fight or battle
Brantley – means sword
Britz – as a reference to a German city
Bruno – means brown
Buddy – a very common dog name that means friend
Burgh – mans protection
Burke – means fortification
#2: Letter C:
Chance – means good luck
#3: Letter D:
Dedrick – means the people’s ruler
Dieter – means ruler of the people
Dietrich – means ruler of the people
Dirk – means the people’s ruler
Donner – means thunder
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#4: Letter F:

Falk – means falconry
Felix – means happy or fortunate
Ferguson – means strong and noble
Franz – means free man
Frederik – means peaceful ruler
Fritz – means peaceful ruler
#5: Letter G:
Gaston – as a reference to Gascony in Beauty and the Beast
Goethe – as a reference to the German philosopher and poet
Gunther – means bold warrior
#6: Letter H:
Haan – as a reference to the German city
Hans – means God s gracious
Hansel – as a reference to the German fairy tale Hansel and Gretel
Heinrich – means home of the king
Heinz – means home of the king
Helmar – means famous protector
Hertz – means kind hearted
Herz – means brave or hardy
Henri – means home ruler
#7: Letter J:
Jackson – means Jack son
Jacques – means supplanter
Jamin – means right hand
Jimmie / Jimmy / Jimmee / Jim / Jimm – means supplanter
Johannes – means John in German
Joker – as a reference to Batman movies
Juniper – means a ubiquitous tree
Jupiter – means father God
#8: Letter K:
Kaiser – means emperor
Kam / Kameron – means crooked nose
Kant – as a reference to the German philosopher
Karch – as a reference to the famous American volleyball player
Karl – means free man
Keifer means barrel maker
Kiel – as a reference to the German city
Klaus – the diminutive of the name Nicholas
Kleve – as a reference to the German city
Kodiak – means island
Kramer – means a shopkeeper
Krypto – as a reference to Superman
#9: Letter L:

Lando – means famous country
Landry – means master f the land
Leonard – means brave lion
Leuther – means army person
Lothar – means army person
Luther – means army person
#10: Letter M:
Marcus – means the Roman god of Mars
Max – means the greatest and is the diminutive of Maximus
Mercedes – as a reference to Mercedes-Benz
Mozart – as a reference to the famous German composer
Munich – as a reference to the capital city of Bavaria, in Germany
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#11: Letter P:
Panzer – as a reference to the famous German tank from World War II
#12: Letter Q:
Quincy – means fifth
#13: Letter R:
Ratt – as a reference to the American metal band
Raymond – means wise protector
Rico – means strong power
Rin Tin Tin – this is the most common name of male German Shepherds
Roland – means famous throughout the land
Rolf – means famous wolf
Rolly / Rollin / Roly – means famous country
Rom – means highness
Rudi / Rolf / Rudy / Rudolf / Rudolph – means famous wolf
#14: Letter S:
Saxon – means sharp sword or sharp blade
Schnaps – as a reference to a strong alcoholic drink
Schwartz – means black hair or dark complexion
Siegfried – means victorious peace
Sigmond / Sigmund – means protector
Stein – means stone
Strongheart – as a reference to the old movie White Fang
#15: Letter T:
Tillie – means powerful battler
#16: Letter V:
Vonn / Von – means little
#17: Letter W:
Waldo – means ruler
Walker – means worker
Walter – means ruler of the army
Werner – means protecting army
Will / Willie – means protection, helmet, desire or will
Wolfe – means wolf
Wolfgang – means traveling wolf
Wulf – means wolf
#18: Letter X:
Xanten – as a reference to the only German city that starts with an X
#19: Letter Z:
Zack – means the Lord remembers
Zak – means pure
Zaki – means virtuous or pure
Zellmer – means ruler of the village
Ziggy – means victorious protector