101 Cool Korean Girl Names With Meanings


Korea is one of a kind country. With such a diverse heritage and rich history, one of the things that you can expect from the Korean girl names is for them to be unique.

One of the strangest phenomena is related to their surnames. The truth is that only three surnames – Kim, Lee, and Park, are used for more than half of the Korean population. Nevertheless, they still managed to have unique and remarkable Korean girl names.


The “rules” for choosing the Korean girl names are changing with time. Now, parents can choose a name derived from the traditional Korean words while in the old names they had to choose from a single list of names.

Discover how to find the best names.

One of the things that you will also notice on the Korean girl names is the fact that they tend to have two syllables.

Korea is really a different country and this is also reflected in their names. After all, the given Korean girl names are only used by family or very close friends since they are thought to be very private.

With all this in mind, we decided to create a list of the coolest Korean girl names with their respective meanings. As usual, we will start with the names starting with a vowel.

#1: Letter A:

Ae-Cha – means a loving daughter

Ae-Jeong – means affection, love

Ae-Ra – means net for catching birds and love

Ae-Ri – means advantage, profit, gains, and love

Areum – means beauty


#2: Letter E:

Eo-Jin – this is a unisex name that means benevolent or compassionate

Eui – refers to a girl who is right, has moral, has a good conscious

Eun – means silver

Eun Ae – means grace with love

Eun-Hye – means grace

Eun Jung – means affection and grace

Eun-Kyung – means a gem that is graceful

#3: Letter U:

U – means gentle

Uk – means sunrise

Looking for a beautiful Japanese girl name? Check out the best ones here. 

And now let’s check out the coolest Korean girl names that start with a consonant:

#1: Letter B:

Bong-Cha – means ultimate girl

Bora – represents something that has the purple color

#2: Letter C:

Chin-Sun – refers to a girl who is always seeking for the goodness and truth in everything

Choon-Hee – refers to girls born during spring

Chul – means firmness

Chun Hei – means grace and justice

Chung Cha/Chung-Cha – refers to a chaste and righteous girl

#3: Letter D:


Da – this is a unisex name and means to attain

Dae – this is another unisex name and means shining or the great one

Du – means head

#4: Letter G:

Gi – refers to a brave girl

Goo – refers to a girl who completes you

Gyeong – means the respected one

#5: Letter H:

Ha-Neul – means sky

Haw-Young – means a beautiful flower

Hae – refers to a girl who is like the ocean

Hae-Won – means beautiful garden or graceful

Hana – means favorite or flower

Hea – means grace

Hee-Young – means prosperity and joy

Hei Ryung – means brightness and grace

Hei-Ran – means a graceful orchid

Ho-Sook – means clear lake

Hoe – this is a Korean dish that includes raw fish

Hwa-Young – means beautiful flower

Hyo – refers to a girl with a filial duty

Hyo-Sonn – refers to a girl who is gentle and filial

Hyun – this is a unisex name and means intelligent or bright

Hyun Jae – means respect and wise

Hyun-Ae – refers to a loving girl

Hyun-Ok – means beautiful pearl and wise


#6: Letter J:

Jae – means respect

Jae Hwa – refers to a girl who is prosperous and rich, who has the looks and the respect at the same time

Jee – a unisex name that means wisdom or knowledge

Ji – means intellect or wisdom

Jin Ae – means love, treasure, truth

Jin Kyong – means brightness, treasure, truth

Jung – means chaste

#7: Letter K:

Ki – refers to the girl who has arisen

Kwan – means strong girl

Kyung Mi – means beauty and honored

Kyung Soon – means mild and honored

Kyung-Hu – means girl in the capital

#8: Letter M:

Mee – means beautiful woman

Mi Cha – means beautiful daughter

Mi Kyong – means brightness and beauty

Mi Sun – means goodness and beauty

Mi-Cha – means beautiful girl

Mi-Hi – means beautiful joy

Mi-Ok – means beautiful pearl

Min – refers to a clever girl who delivers quick responses and has a sharp mind

Min Jee – means wisdom and brightness

Min Jung – means noble and bright

Mishil – refers to an admired dynasty or a beautiful kingdom

Mun-Hee – refers to a literate and educated girl

Myung Hee – means pleasure and brightness

#9: Letter N:

Nam Kyu – means southern

Nari – mans lily flower

#10: Letter S:

Sang Hee – means pleasure and benevolence

Seong – means finished

Seung – means victorious

Shik – means planting

So – means smile

So Young – means prosperity, beautiful, and eternal

Soo – means noble, kind, and charitable girl

Soo Jin – means truth, excellence, treasure

Soo Min – means cleverness and excellence

Soo Yun – means a perfect lotus flower

Sook – refers to the pure nature of the girl

Soon-Bok – refers to a girl with a gentle and blessed soul

Sun Hee – means goodness and pleasure

Sun Jung – means noble and goodness

Sun-Hi – refers to a joyful girl

Sung – refers to the successor


#11: Letter W:

Whan – means enlargement

Wook – means sunrise

Woong – means magnificent and grand

#12: Letter Y:

Yeong – means someone who has courage

Yon – means lotus blossom

Yong – means perpetual and brave

Yoon – means consent or allow

Young Mi – means beautiful, eternal, and prosperity

Young-Il – means the most powerful

Young-Soon – means flowery and mild

Youra/Yoora – means enough silk

Yun – means lotus flower

Yun Hee – means pleasure and lotus flower

As you can see, there are plenty of beautiful and cool Korean girl names that you can give to your little baby girl. Now that you already know the meanings of each one of the best names, we hope that the choice is now a bit easier for you.

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