69 Cool French Flower Names For Inspiration and Fun

french flower names

Flowers are beautiful in any place you find it and it is one of the precious things that can used in partied and by loved ones to express their affection to one another and especially some of the French flower names are generally seen as romantic.

This is why we have highlighted few examples of these French flower names to inspire you and for you to use it in any situation that requires it.

French flower Names Starting With Letter ‘A’

  1. Acacia – meaning mere platonic love, nothing so deep.
  2. Acacia, rose – meaning to have elegance everywhere you turn
  3. Acanthe – meaning is associated with Arts
  4. Amandier – this means not being thoughtful.
  5. Aloès, bee de perroquet – meaning to have a couple of Small talks
  6. Aloès, socotrine – meaning to have pain, be sad or bitter about something
  7. Amaranthe – meaning to live for ever and not die
  8. Agavé — meaning to be secured
  9. Angelique – meaning to have inspiration
  10. Arum, gobe-mouche – meaning something that can ensnare someone to do something
  11. Absinthe — meaning to be absent
  12. Achillée — meaning something that is associated with war
  13. Adonide — meaning to remember an experience that caused pain
  14. Adoxa — meaning to have a weakness
  15. Alisier — meaning to be in full harmony and unity
  16. Alysse saxatile — meaning to be in peace of mind
  17. Amaryllis jaune — meaning to have a sense of pride
  18. Ananas –meaning to be perfect
  19. Ancolie — meaning to be foolish or express a sense of being unintelligent.
  20. Anemone hépatique — meaning to be full of sincerity and can be trusted
  21. Anémone — meaning  to abandon or neglect
  22. Anémone des près — meaning to fall into sickness
  23. Argentine — meaning to do things in a simple way.
  24. Armoise — to express a lot of happiness and joy
  25. Arum serpentaire — to be in fear or dread something
  26. Asphodèle jaune — to regret an action after it is done
  27. Astère — to have a rethink of something later on, or come up with something else
  28. Aubépine — to be hopeful and expect great things to happen
  29. Auserine ambroisée — to lash out an insult to someone

French flower Names Starting With Letter ‘B’

  1. Baguenaudier — to have a nonsensical type of amusement
  2. Balsamine — meaning to not have the virtue of patience
  3. Bardane — meaning importunity
  4. Basilic — meaning to show hatred to someone
  5. Baume du Perou — to show that there is the cure for something
  6. Belle de jour — Coquetry
  7. Belle de nuit — to not have the courage, or to be very timid
  8. Bluet — to be very delicate and fragile
  9. Blé — to be in riches and affluence
  10. Boule de neige — Ennui
  11. Bouquet — Gallantry
  12. Bourrache — to be very blunt with someone
  13. Bouton de rose — to be a girl that is very young
  14. Brise tremblante — to do several unserious and nonsense things
  15. Bruyére commune — to be alone in a place or to experience some form of solitude
  16. Buglosse to be telling lies and live a typical life of falsehood
  17. Bugrane arrête-bœuf — to have some barriers ahead or to be faced with some obstacles
  18. Buis — Stoicism

french flower cool names

French flower Names Starting With Letter ‘C’

  1. Cactier — this means the love and affection of a mother
  2. Camara piquant — meaning a situation that is very severe
  3. Camellia — meaning to show gratitude and bask in appreciation.
  4. Campanule — meaning not having discretion or not taking an initiative
  5. Capillaire –meaning to have discretion and ability to take initiatives
  6. Cardére — meaning to have a benefit
  7. Celsie à Crete –Immortality
  8. Centaurée-amberboi — Felicity
  9. Cerisier — meaning to  be educated or to like to learn
  10. Chardon — meaning to be harsh and can go angry.
  11. Charme — meaning to have be in an ornament
  12. Chataignier — meaning to show justice
  13. Chicorée-amére — meaning to show frugality in their living and lifestyle
  14. Chéne — meaning to be hospitable and enjoy welcoming people.

French flower Names Starting With Letter ‘D’

  1. Dahlia — meaning to show novelty and something that makes a difference
  2. Datur — meaning to run charms that has a lot of deceit
  3. Dietame de Crete — meaning to give birth or to cause to bring to life.
  4. Digitale — meaning the job or work that people do for a living

French flower Names Starting With Letter ‘E’

  1. Eglantier — someone that speaks and writes in a way that sounds like a poem

french flower great names

French flower Names Starting With Letter ‘F’

  1. Frêne èlevè – meaning to have greatness all round.

French flower Names Starting With Letter ‘G’

  1. Gouet, commun – meaning to Ardor

French flower Names Starting With Letter ‘P’

  1. Phalangère – meaning to have the antidote for something

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